com Patricia Valim
Dates: August 14th, 21st, 28th, September 04th and 11th
Hour: 19h to 21h
Duration: 5 meetings
Audience: general interested parties
Investment: R $ 400,00
Online course
Live, via video conferencing platform
Recorded classes available for a limited time only
Includes certificate at the end
Artistic manifestations have denounced the erasure of the femicide epidemic in several countries, especially in Brazil and other countries in Latin America. In addition to explaining the reproduction mechanisms of all types of violence against women, feminist demonstrations and artistic interventions have formed a counter-discourse that, simultaneously, combats the culture of violence against women and builds social technologies for a society with gender and racial equality. . The objective of the course is to analyze reports and artistic interventions by feminist women, explaining their denials and building other ways of living in society, thus creating new possible futures.
Class 01: Dead – artists who denounce forms of violence
- Ana Mendieta (Cuba)
- Elina Chauvet (Mexico)
- Frida Kahlo (Mexico)
Class 02: Bloodbath – artists who denounce forms of reproduction of violence
- Marcela Cantuária (Brazil)
- Panmela Castro (Brazil)
- Francesca Woodman (USA)
Class 03: When everyone is silent – artists who denounce society’s pact of silencing in relation to multiple forms of violence against women
- Berna Reale (Brazil)
- Eugênia França (Brazil)
- Regina Parra (Brazil)
Class 04: I rise – artists who propose ways to combat violence against women
- Ana Maria Maiolino (Brazil)
- Lygia Pape (Brazil)
- Beth Moysés (Brazil)
Class 05: Freedom is also combat – artists who develop social technologies to build futures
- Hariel Revignet (Brazil)
- Yasmin Formiga (Brazil)
- Cecilia Vicunã (Chile)
Patricia Valim
MAM friend has 20% discount. Be part!
Students, teachers and retirees have a 10% discount
WhatsApp: 11 99774 3987
By participating in this activity/event, you authorize, free of charge and definitively, MAM – Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo, to use your image, voice, biographical data and characteristic signs, captured in video, audio, photography and prints, for the purposes of recording, disseminating and promoting the Museum's activities, in any means, vehicles, supports, media, methods and technologies, tangible or intangible. If you do not want your image to be published, please inform MAM (
Credits: Anna Maria Maiolino, Ecce homo, 1966. MAM São Paulo Collection. Photo: Romulo Fialdini