from the body to the utopia of the image
January 23, 30, February 06, 13, 2025
19h of the 21h

With Daniela Lima

Dates: January 23rd, 30th, February 06th and 13th
Hour: 19h to 21h
Duration: 4 meetings
Audience: general interested parties
Investment: R $ 350,00

Online course
Live, via video conferencing platform
Recorded classes available for a limited time only
Includes certificate at the end

In this course, we will use Michel Foucault’s radio lecture “The Utopian Body” (1966) to reflect on the relationship between body, space and image. Through the concept of the body as a place of imprisonment and utopia as the “place outside all places”, we will explore the paradox identified by Foucault: every utopia arises from the body and seems to turn against it. Photography will be used as a means of capturing this duality, by simultaneously fixing and transfiguring the body, producing a tension between rigidity and fluidity in its images.

The course aims to examine Foucault's conception of the “utopian body” in dialogue with the works of Francesca Woodman, Alix Cléo Roubaud and Iole de Freitas, who use images to explore the boundaries and possibilities of the body in space. Aimed at students and those interested in contemporary art, theories of the body and philosophy, this series of classes seeks to provide a critical and aesthetic reflection on the body as “the main actor in all utopias”.


Class 01 – Introduction: Foucault’s Utopian Body
Analysis of the radio conference “The Utopian Body” (1966)
The body as an actor of all utopias: paradox between imprisonment and transfiguration
The body that projects itself beyond its limits and inhabits other spaces – real and imaginary: implications and notes on the photographic image

Class 2 – Francesca Woodman: The Ghostly Body
Analysis of selected images by Francesca Woodman, especially from the Spaces series (second half of the 1970s)
The relationship between body, empty space and ephemerality in Woodman's photography
The dissolution and disappearance of the body in photographs and the tension between bodily utopia and phantasmagoria in Woodman's self-portraits

Class 3 – Alix Cléo Roudbaud: Body and temporality
Analysis of selected works by Alix Roubaud, especially the series 15 minutes: la nuit au rythme de la respiration (early 1980s)
The relationship between body, space and temporality in Roubaud's photography
The presence of the body, body movements and their interference in the photographic process

Class 4 – Iole de Freitas: Body in Movement and Expansion
Analysis of selected images by Iole de Freitas, especially from the Spectro series (1970s)
Motion capture and body expansion in space
The impact of body-camera and gesture-presence procedures on Iole de Freitas’ spectral photography

Daniela Lima Barros

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Students, teachers and retirees have a 10% discount

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By participating in this activity/event, you authorize, free of charge and definitively, MAM – Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo, to use your image, voice, biographical data and characteristic signs, captured in video, audio, photography and prints, for the purposes of recording, disseminating and promoting the Museum's activities, in any means, vehicles, supports, media, methods and technologies, tangible or intangible. If you do not want your image to be disclosed, please inform MAM (