With Adriana Maciel
Dates: January 21th, 28th, February 04rd, 11th and 18th
Hour: 19h to 21h
Duration: 5 meetings
Audience: general interested parties
Investment: R $ 400,00
Online course
Live, via video conferencing platform
Recorded classes available for a limited time only
Includes certificate at the end
Everything we see and hear, besides the letters on paper, are texts. Writing is done through gestures, listening, speech, vision, and the body. It is an inscription – it delves into language and appropriates different sources, media, and supports. In contemporary times, the genres through which art moves are permeable – if not indistinguishable – and their meanings are often fluid.
The course presents artistic texts from different languages – visual arts, written texts and sound art – seeking to understand their procedures and the way they act performatively, exploring and expanding the possibility of meanings. At each meeting, a writing exercise is suggested – a provocation, a trigger. The intention is to open and expand the inventive possibilities of each participant. Thinking about performative writings means disinformation about the subject matter, and in this exercise, finding the style that is appropriate for what one wishes to produce. It is practicing other ways of reading the complex reality in which we live.
How does the course work?
The course is structured in five sessions, each lasting two hours. Each class combines the analysis of artistic texts, collective discussion and the completion of a practical exercise. Participants are encouraged to explore different forms of writing and to share their productions at the end of each session.
Class 01 – Invention and procedures
- Artistic experiences of the avant-garde of the early 20th century
- Exercises 1
Class 02 – The crossing of languages
- The break with representation and the friction of meanings
- Exercises 2
Class 03 – John Cage – thinking with your hands
- John Cage and the different forms of writing
- Exercises 3
Class 04 – Rupture
- Invention of itineraries
- Exercises 4
Class 5 – Performative writings
- Writings from the edges: presentation and discussion of the works
Adriana Maciel
MAM friend has 20% discount. Be part!
Students, teachers and retirees have a 10% discount
WhatsApp: 11 99774 3987
By participating in this activity/event, you authorize, free of charge and definitively, MAM – Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo, to use your image, voice, biographical data and characteristic signs, captured in video, audio, photography and prints, for the purposes of recording, disseminating and promoting the Museum's activities, in any means, vehicles, supports, media, methods and technologies, tangible or intangible. If you do not want your image to be disclosed, please inform MAM (cursos@mam.org.br)