
Childhood cultures, poetic-musical experiences and crafts pedagogy in art education
03 Sep 24 – 05 Sep 24

com Mirela Estelles and Amanda Falcão

The MAM Family program was designed to welcome babies and their families to the museum's art exhibitions, offering playful, artistic and educational experiences in the MAM space. Using musical games, verse circles and songs from traditional childhood culture to mediate and bring the works closer to the public, they seek to promote cultural memory through experimentation and play. At this meeting, educator Mirela Estelles shares her experiences in the temporary exhibitions and in the Sculpture Garden, integrating songs and games into the dialogue with the public. Still from the perspective of the different ways of thinking about education in museums, educator Amanda Falcão aligned a reflection on the intertwining of artisanal processes with pedagogical processes in the contexts in which learning and teaching meet, modify, play and play between their positions and transformations.

Mirela Estelles
Amanda Harumi Falcao

Free virtual activity, for teachers, educators, researchers, students and artists, open to the public. Online registration on the official mam website. For a Libras interpreter or audio description, request an email at up to 48 hours in advance. To issue a certificate, request it via e-mail Educaçã after the activity, with proof of registration attached.

This activity is part of the program Contacts with Art.
