
The Panorama of Brazilian Art series of exhibitions began in 1969 and coincided with the establishment of the Museum of Modern Art of São Paulo at its headquarters in the Ibirapuera Park marquee. The first editions of the Panorama left a lasting impact on the history of the museum as it contributed directly and effectively to the formation of its contemporary art collection. Throughout the 37 exhibitions already held, MAM’s Panorama sought to establish productive dialogues with different concepts of Brazilian artistic production, our history, culture and society. Held every two years, it always brings up new reflections on the most urgent debates in contemporary Brazil.

Panoramas timeline
from MAM Sao Paulo (1969-2022)


38th Panorama of Brazilian Art: A thousand degrees
Painted Soul in the Land of Enchantment by the Akroá Gamella
37th Panorama of Brazilian Art – Under the ashes, embers
Ana Mazzei, Andre Ricardo, Bel Falleiros, Camila Sposati, Celeida Tostes, David de Jesus do Nascimento, Eder Oliveira, Eneida Sanches, Erica Ferrari, Giselle Beiguelman, Glauco Rodrigues, Gustavo Torrezan, Jaime Lauriano, Lais Myrrha, Laryssa Machada, Lidia Lisbon, Luiz 83, Marcelo D'Salete, Maria Laet, Marina Camargo, No Martins, RODRIGUEZREMOR, Sergio Lucena, Sidney Amaral, Tadáskia, Tracy Collins, Xadalu Tupã Jekupé
36th Panorama of Brazilian Art: Sertão
The film is a film that is produced by the American Film Society, and it is produced by the American Film Society.
3th Panorama of Current Brazilian Art: Drawing and Engraving
Abelardo Zaluar, Agi Straus, Anésia Pacheco and Chaves, Antonio Lizarraga, Augusto Rodrigues, Berco Udler, Carlos Leo, Carybe, Claudio Tozzi, Colangelo, Darcilio Lima, Dileny Campos, Ely Bueno, Eurydice, Flavio Carvalho, Gerda Brentani, Giselda Leirner, Marcelo Grassmann, Guilherme Faria, H. Fuhro, John Suzuki, Jose Claudio, Jose Ronaldo Lima, Juarez Magno, Juarez Paradise, Lourdes Cedran, Luis D'Horta, Luis Fernando Penteado, Maria Carmen, Maria do Carmo F. ​​Secco, Maria Helena Andres, Marina Caram, Milton Dacosta, Suzana Lobo, Trindade Leal, Tuneu, Vara Tupynambá, Wega Nery, Zenon, Anna Bella Geiger, Anna Letycia, Babinski, Bethy Giudice, Maria Bonomi, Calasans Neto, Conceição Pilo, Danubio Goncalves, Décio Noviello, Dora Basilio, Dorothy Bastos, Edison da Luz, Edith Behring, Emanoel Araujo, Esmeraldo, Fayga Ostrower, Geza Heller, Hans Suliman-Grudzinski, Irma Neumann, Isabel Pons, Izar do Amaral Berlinck, Vera Chaves Barcellos, Wilma Martins, Zoravia Bettiol, John Luiz Chaves, Jose Lima, Lucilia de Toledo Mezzotero, Marília Rodrigues, Massuo Nakakubo, Miriam Chiaverini, Newton Cavalcanti, Odetto Guersoni, Paulo Menten, Arthur Luiz Piza, Raimo, Rapoport, Roberto de Lamonica, Rossini Perez, Ruth Bess Courvoisier, Gilvan Samico, Sonia Castro, Stella Maris Figueiredo Bertinazzo, Mira Schendel, Montez Magno, Jose Alberto Nemer, Octavio F. Araujo, Odila Mestriner, Quissak Jr., Ricardo Augusto, Sara Avila, Silvio Oppenheim, S. Jaguaribe Ekman, Sonia von Bruscky, Arcangelo Ianelli, Arnaldo Pedroso D'Horta, Arthur Octavio Camargo Pacheco, Danilo Di Prete, Dina Lopes Coelho, Fabio Magalhaes, Fernando Cerqueira Lemos, Flavio Pinho, Jose Nemirovsky, Luis Martins, Norberto Nicola, Paulo Mendes Almeida