design museums, reflect audiences


In 2024 the mam debate arrives in its third edition with the title “design museums, reflect audiences". In a society increasingly stimulated by various forms of personalization, what are the challenges for museums and art institutions in effectively relating to their audiences? Programming strategies are often designed to generate identification and representation taking into account society's demands, but they do not always result in the appreciation and recognition of museum institutions by the general public.

The desires of society, in their multiple dimensions, permeate the construction of museum programming and communication. To this end, it is necessary to reflect on the forms of communication and dialogue with the public in both exhibitions, publications, and traditional and digital media, taking into account the particularities of the virtual dimension and the contemporary way of relating.

Consequently, it becomes necessary to deepen the discussion on institutional communication in a comprehensive manner, observing the complex relationship between traditional modalities and the new formats that come from digital channels and social networks, in which the possibilities of engagement are based on personal and no longer collective interests.

This reveals a paradigm of museum action: the ambition of a total representation based on an extremely individualized and fragmented society. If, on the one hand, museums must establish a broad and concrete identification with their audiences in order to achieve the symbolic appreciation of cultural heritage, on the other hand, they must also build interactions relevant to culture through dynamic forms of personalization of virtual environments.

O mam debate 2024 seeks to promote discussions about such contradictions, as well as the challenges faced by museums and art institutions in building audiences that overflow their walls. We will bring together guests from different art institutions and museums in the country, responsible for programmatic and curatorial organization, or cultural communication projects. The debate will be held with a full-day program, consisting of two mediated debate panels, and opening and closing speeches.

About MAM Debate

O MAM Debate is an initiative that, through seminars and publications, seeks to promote reflections, research and debates around issues involving modern and contemporary art and also others directly related to MAM São Paulo, its past and its activities in the present. It is a prospecting platform for possible actions by the museum in the future based on historical and emerging issues.



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